lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009

Do you believe in ghosts?

"Tell me; have you ever seen a volcano explode in person, not on TV? Few have. And the idea of an exploding mountain seems kind of silly and stupid, until you see it happen yourself. But they are quite rare. Even in areas where volcanic eruptions periodically occur, centuries may pass between each eruption. comet passages are also rare. Just because you have not personally witnessed an event, does not mean others who claim to have seen it are just honest hallucinators or dishonest fabricators."
From a comment in youtube, signed by wierderandwierder

La pregunta "¿cree usted en fantasmas?", bien puede ser "¿cree usted que el ser humano ya ha estado en la Luna?", "¿cree usted en sus vidas pasadas, en la traslación de la tierra, en que la realidad es lo que aparenta?. ¿Cree usted en "n" cosas?". Da igual. Podemos creer lo que queramos, pero que nadie me venga a decir que sabe algo.

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